Stanowiska montażowe, przenośniki, linie montażowe
Automatyzacja produkcji, roboty przemysłowe
automatyzacja produkcji, linie montażowe
Roboty przemysłowe, lean manufacturing
manipulatory przemysłowe, ogrodzenia ochronn

Workstations and assembly tables are designed in accordance with the individual needs and requirements of our customers. At the same time, we are taking into account the ergonomics of work while performing production tasks. We have the necessary knowledge to help you select the appropriate parameters and build structures in accordance with their intended use and the requirements for workplaces. When building the stations, we rely on a modular system of aluminum profiles.


The stations are used wherever there is a need for manual assembly of production elements. Thanks to the use of an aluminum profile system for the construction of the station, we can configure the work table in any way to ensure the greatest ergonomics of operations, facilitate access to components, and increase work efficiency. A wide range of system accessories allows you to adjust the position to the individual requirements of both the employee and the production process.


The modular system of aluminum profiles ensures a light and modern design of the stations and provides a simple and quick way to changeover, e.g. in the event of changes in the technological process or production profile.


Modular construction
A wide range of complementary accessories

Assembly stations - realizacje: